I've read Milk and Honey a book by Rupi Kaur and I love this book so much, here are 13 my favourite Rupi Kaur Quotes.
It is your blood
in may veins
Tell me how i'm
supposed to forget
I struggle so deeply
to understand
how someone can
pour their entire soul
blood and energy
into someone
without wanting
anything in
~I will have to wait till i'm a mother~
I always
get myself
into this mess
I always let him
tell me I am beautiful
and half belive it
I always jump thinking
he will catch me
at the fall
I am hopelessly
a lover and
a dreamer and
that will be thee
death of me
death of me
Don't mistake
salt for sugar
if he wants to be with you
he will
it's that simple
The next time you
have your coffee black
you'll taste the bitter
state he left you in
it will make you weep
but you'll never
stop drinking
you'd rather have the
darkest part of him
then have nothing
It must hurt to know
I am your most
I didn't leave because
I stopped loving you
I left because the longer
I stayed the less
I loved myself
You cannot leave
and have me too
I cannot exist in
two place at home
~When you ask if we can still be friends~
I am water
soft enough
to offer life
tough enough
to drown it away
I thank the universe
for taking
everything it has taken
and giving to me
everything it is giving
I have
what I have
and I am happy
I've lost
what i've lost
and I am
still happy
If course I want to be successful
but I don't crave success for me
I need to be successful to gain
enough milk and honey
to help those around
me succeed
Give to those
who have nothing
to give to you
~Selfless Service~
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